Director, novice elder
Neville is a founder director and is passionate about Education for World Futures. Half a century ago (elder qualification) Neville studied veterinary science and spent a year in rural veterinary practice where he learnt much about human relationships with the land and the environment. He completed a PhD in embryology and a three-year post-doctoral fellowship in reproduction at Oxford University where he became more and more interested in the truly remarkable domestic animal called human. He spent four decades at the University of Western Australia where he taught human biology, reproduction, histology, experimental design, human ethics and more recently integrated human studies, the precursor of Education for World Futures. His research interests broadened out from human reproduction to include the intersection of biology and psychology in conditioning human well-being. Many other life experiences contributed to his passion for futures and human orientated education. On route to Oxford he and his wife travelled overland from Malaysia to London in a Volkswagen Beetle; a journey that inspired a lifelong interest in peoples and cultures around the world. He has built a house from scrap materials, made biodiesel from used cooking oil, manufactured wood pellets as an alternative energy source and planted thousands of trees on his family farm, all activities providing hands on experience in sustainable living. He has been active in organisations such Freedom from Hunger, Scientists Against Nuclear Arms and the Peace Education Foundation (WA) and served on various ethics and educational boards and committees. Collectively these activities inspired him, together with his friend and colleague the late Len Freedman, to establish Education for World Futures which he regards as the culmination of his career.

Director, tutor, school liaison
Education has been a focus for Mark throughout his life. He has both contributed to as well as being a fortunate beneficiary of some extraordinary educational experiences. Mark has been a teacher, administrator and board chair in schools in eastern and western Australia as well as in regional schools in Kenya. More recently he completed a Diploma in Integrated Human Studies (the direct precursor of Education for World Futures) and went on to help develop and implement EWF curricula with Neville and Angela. These broad and wonderful experiences have entrenched in Mark a deep commitment to education – facilitating it for others and engaging in it himself. Currently Mark is finalising his PhD thesis on incorporating a futures perspective into the school curriculum. This research arose form Mark’s postgraduate studies with Neville in Integrated Human Studies and has provided insight into the professional support that teachers and schools require when a futures perspective is introduced into the curriculum.

Heart of Community Engagement
Denisse believes in the magic of love and wisdom. She is passionate about unveiling the full potential of the human being to live and create more harmonious and healthier realities in the physical, psychological, social, political and spiritual realms. Obsessed with human behavior and values, and driven by the truths of her heart she has been evolving her career path to focus on human development and creative expression to illuminate world´s connectedness. On 2015, looking for a master degree on community development, she found out about Education for World Futures and our philosophy resonated deeply with her. Having an International Business background, she started volunteering from her home country in the foundations of the project as a Not for Profit enterprise and now she is excited to engage people from around the world and build EWF community through writing, connection campaigns and project management. On 2017 she moved Australia to dive deeply into her passion. When not working, she can be found on her yoga mat or gym, reading outdoors, contemplating nature, writing out her thoughts, laughing, eating, enjoying her loved ones and singing out loud old rock & roll music.