Great Transition Initiative

We live in a rapidly changing world, a world in a precarious balance of opportunities and serious global threats. How then shall we navigate this world to enhance the former and minimize the latter? Many believe that our current governance and institutions are just not up to the task and there is an urgent need for radical new ways of thinking and operating at local, regional and global levels. This is where the Great Transition Initiative, GTI, has and continues to make such a valuable and influential contribution to world affairs and world futures. The ideas and activities underlying GTI took shape some 25 years ago at a time when sustainability concepts and goals were flowering. The GTI has now evolved into a leading think tank; its aims and activities best described in its own words:
The Great Transition Initiative is an online forum of ideas and an international network for the critical exploration of concepts, strategies, and visions for a transition to a future of enriched lives, human solidarity, and a resilient biosphere. By enhancing scholarly discourse and public awareness of possibilities arising from converging social, economic, and environmental crises, and by fostering a broad network of thinkers and doers, it aims to contribute to a new praxis for global transformation.
From an EWF perspective, the GTI is an exceptional source for scholarly articles and commentaries on a broad range of global issues. Many are referenced in our online courses to help students understand difficult topics and be inspired to embrace new ways of thinking about them. We encourage all EWF members and associates to follow the GTI website and consider joining their members network: New articles, interviews and discussions appear regularly, almost all bring refreshing new ideas to the knotty issues of our time.
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